
Use your data skills for a good cause.


For-purpose organisations need your time and experience to make a greater impact. We connect you with a scoped project to help an organisation to become more data-driven. By supporting these charities, not-for-profits and NGO’s, you become part of the Data Equity movement helping reduce the data inequities in Australia.

I volunteered on this project because I was inspired by their mission of helping those in need and I knew I had the tools to help. It was a great opportunity and experience for me and I’m glad I was able to use my skills to help such an inspiring organisation
— Jenny, Civita member

Join our community of 1,000+ data professionals. All you need is your skills, passion for making an impact and time (project typically requires between 6 to 15 hours). Once you have registered your expression of interest (EOI), have worked on a project and completed it, you become a Civita fellow and, in addition of being part of a passionate data community, you get access to a series of benefits and discounts to our events and data products.


Join our next cohort

We are excited to announce a new 2022 cohort, focusing exclusively on the development and implementation of our data equity suite. Click below to learn more about it.

Register for the Data Equity Suite 2022 cohort
